ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples
Welcome to this blog about iso 9001:2015 quality objectives with examples. In this blog, my main aim is to help you truly understand what the actual requirements of the standard are when it comes to quality objectives. We are also going to go over three case studies of actual companies that have implemented iso 9001. And we are going to be discussing their specific requirements when it came to quality objectives to make sure that these companies meet the requirements set by the standard.
One of the key fundamentals of the certification requirements for ISO 9001 is the quality objectives. Quality objectives are within Clause 6 of ISO 9001:2015. One of the reasons why ISO 9001 certification is important is because it helps us to focus on matters that matter the most.
Once we establish the internal and external issues of the organisation meaning what environment the company works in, we must establish the vision for the company. The division is simply a statement that explains where we, as leaders of organisations, will be taking our companies in the future.

The quality policy for ISO 9001, which is the vision of the organisation, and the quality objectives great go hand in hand. They support each other in the sense that vision explains where do wants to get, and equality objectives explain how we know that we got to that stage. In this blog post you will successfully learn how to implement and audit ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples.
For example if in the quality policy we are stating that we want to be market leaders within our industry, then when we must have a goal/objective that’s related to the market share.
Requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Objectives
I wanted to start this blog about ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples by explaining in a in a simple way what the actual requirements by the standard are for quality objectives. The quality objectives are mentioned in clause 6.2 of the iso 9001 2015 version of the ISO 9001 standard. The first thing that we’re going to see is the actual requirement from the standard:
6.2 Quality objectives and planning to achieve them
6.2.1 The organization shall establish quality objectives at relevant functions, levels and processes needed for the quality management system.
The quality objectives shall:
a) be consistent with the quality policy;
b) be measurable;
c) take into account applicable requirements;
d) be relevant to conformity of products and services and to enhancement of customer satisfaction;
e) be monitored;
f) be communicated;
g) be updated as appropriate.
The organization shall maintain documented information on the quality objectives.
Requirements – functions, levels and processes
From here we can start to understand that quality objectives can be set at various levels within the company. So, a small company might have a number of quality objectives and the larger company might have a larger number of quality objectives. This is because there might be several different functions and levels within the company.
As seen in how we are explaining ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples The standard also mentions that we have to consider the processes relevant to the company when setting up quality objectives. As you might recall from other videos that I have shared on this website we have seen that like any company can have four main types with main types of key processes which are:
So, the standard is practically asking us to set objectives relating to any function or level within the organization but also to set quality objectives relating to the processes needed for the quality management system.
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Requirements – consistent with quality policy
The quality objectives the standard says shall be consistent with the quality policy. This means that when we are setting up the quality objectives, we have to take the quality policy of the organization as the main aim of where we are aiming in terms of quality.
The quality objectives will then translate the vision that the company has in terms of quality as stated in the quality policy into actual numbers.
So, if for example in the quality policy we are stating that the company strives to meet it’s a customer expectation and has to deliver an on-time service. That is what we are striving for in terms of a customer expectation vision and that is set within the quality policy. Then within the quality objectives we have to define exactly what do we mean by delivering the service on time. Does this mean that we deliver it on time 100 percent of the, or cases 95 percent of the cases? What do we actually mean by delivering the service on time?
We simply have to associate a number with what we have stated within the quality policy.
Requirements – measurable (SMART)
In this blog post you will have plenty of opportunities to learn about ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples. For the objectives be measurable is another of the requirements set for quality objectives. It is extremely important that our quality objectives are measurable. As you might know there is the acronym which is SMART objectives:
- specific
- measurable
- attainable
- realistic
- timely
SMART – specific
So, when we are setting up quality objectives first of all we have to make sure that they are specific. In the sense that it is easy to understand what the objective is referring to.
SMART – measurable
If we are taking an example of a person wishing to improve on their physical fitness and they want to run more. Will not just set an objective saying that I want to run more next year. But we will say that for example I want to run five kilometres in 25 minutes. So that is a very specific and measurable objective.
SMART – attainable
Another important element is that objectives have to be attainable. In the sense that we can gather the information that we need to measure the objective. They also have to be realistic. It is useless for me for example to set up an objective for myself to run five kilometres in 15 minutes. Because I will not be able to do that with my current level of fitness unfortunately. A realistic objective for me would be that I would run five kilometres in 25 minutes.
SMART – realistic
So, it is useless to set up objectives that are extraordinarily high that we know that we are not going to reach. It is better to set up objectives that are slightly pushing us over the boundaries that we have set right now but then that they are actually realistic and that we can actually meet these targets.
SMART – timely
Finally, objectives have to be timely in the sense that we have to define by when by when do we want to actually reach the said objective. For example, I want to run five kilometres and 25 minutes by the end of this year. So, by stating that the objective will be met by the end of this year makes the objective a timely objective.
Quality objectives during implementation and auditing
The standard just mentions that the objectives have to be measurable but I prefer taking it a step further and applying the smart principle when setting up objectives to make sure that we are setting up well-formed objectives.
Requirements – applicable requirements
The next element that the standard mentions is that we have to take into account applicable requirements. So, these might be customer set requirements or regulatory requirements.
We have to make sure that whatever objective we are setting is in line with the with the requirements of both the customer and statutory and legal requirements.
Requirements – relevant to conformity of products
Another element that you have to consider is that objectives have to be relevant to conformity of products and services and to the enhancement of customer satisfaction.
What this means in practice is that we also have to set up objectives to monitor the level of customer satisfaction that we are aiming for as a company. This is a quality management system and therefore it is important that we set up some type of objective that will help us to ensure that we are giving a good quality product or service to our clients.
And objectives can be either specifically on the product itself or actually and on the enhancements of customer satisfaction. And of course, we can monitor customer satisfaction by getting feedback from the customers.
Requirements – Monitored
As we will see later in ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples, another element that we are considering is that objectives have to be monitored. In the sense that it is useless to set up an objective if we are not actually monitoring the data. And to analyse the objectives in an objective way so that we can grow as a company.
Requirements – Communicated
Another element that we have to consider is that quality objectives have to be communicated with the relevant people. So, if a particular person is responsible or has some kind of direct impact on the company reaching the said objective then that person must know that the company has such quality objectives so that the person can be pulling the same rope as the rest of his or her colleagues. To make sure that everyone is striving to reach the same objectives.
Requirements – Updated as appropriate
Finally, this standard asks us to make sure that quality objectives are updated as appropriate. I like to update quality objectives of my clients during the management review which is an opportunity where we are reviewing the performance that we obtained in the past year relating to our quality objectives and depending on how much of our objectives we reach then we can update the quality objectives for the next year to make them more realistic and relevant to the current needs of the company.
Requirements – retained as documented information
The standard mentions that the organization shall maintain documented information on the quality objectives. Whenever we see the word documented information this means that we have to have some kind of record. This means that it has to be written anywhere it can be an excel sheet it can be a physical paper it can be a software. Somehow, we need to actually write down the quality objectives in a way that can be evaluated during an internal audit.
Requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Objectives – Clause 6.2.2
So, clause 6.2.1 explains in detail the actual requirements that we have when it comes to setting up quality objectives and clause 6.2.2.
6.2.2 When planning how to achieve its quality objectives, the organization shall determine:
a) what will be done;
b) what resources will be required;
c) who will be responsible;
d) when it will be completed;
e) how the results will be evaluated.
what resources will be required for the company to reach the given quality objective okay so resources might be financial might be time might be allocating people or equipment. So, there are different types of resources that a company can allocate to reach a particular quality objective.
Who will be responsible for the quality objective and even though most of my clients ask me to put more than one person as responsible for the quality objective I always like only having one person who is ultimately responsible for a quality objective to be met?
This is because a ship cannot have two captains. Only one captain can lead a ship. In this case the ship is the quality objective and each quality objective has to be driven by a single person. A single person can have multiple objectives but a single objective cannot have multiple people responsible for the attainment of such quality objectives.
To set SMART objectives we have to set a deadline by when by when we intend to reach the quality objectives.
And finally, the standard asks us to define how the results will be evaluated and over here I like to mention that the results will be available evaluated during the management review which as I’ve mentioned is an excellent opportunity to review the quality objectives for the next year based on the performance of the objectives that we have obtained in the previous year.

Definitions of Quality Objectives as per ISO 9000
ISO 9000 is a standard also within the iso 9001 family which basically gives details on how we should interpret specific words and iso 9001. Clause 3.7.1 explains what is an objective. An objective is a result to be achieved. So, an objective can be strategic, tactical or operational as we have seen from the standard of ISO 9001 itself. And in this blog post you can find many practical explanations to help you understand ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples.
And there might be different types of objectives there might be financial, health and safety, environmental objectives, and these can apply at different levels of the organisation. So, they can be strategic, organization-wide and they can also be project-based results. Any results that we are aiming to achieve and such results would be called an objective. An objective can be expressed in other ways for example intended outcome a purpose an operational criterion as a quality objective or by the use of other words with similar meaning.
So, it doesn’t necessarily have to be called an objective but we can have goals, aims, targets. So, the word objective itself is not important. The most important thing is that we have some kind of objective and an objective is a result that has to be reached.
In the context of the quality management system quality objectives are set by the organization and they have to be consistent with the quality policy to achieve specific results.
Factors to consider when implementing Quality Objectives for ISO 9001:2015
The organisation can have other disciplines, like ISO 22000, ISO 27001, Good distribution practice (GDP), Medical Device Regulations, ISO 15189 or other topics they’d like to set goals for. For example, health and safety there can be financial objectives. And all of these can be objectives.
For avoidance of doubt, I do not like to have a section where I mention objectives and another section where I mention quality objectives. I take all objectives and quality objectives within the same section within the standard.
As shown in the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples, I like putting down all the objectives for the company within the same section on the quality manual.
Case Study: ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives Examples
This is section you can find case studies ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples
Quality Objectives are the guiding light that shines upon the actions that you will be taking to take your organisation from where you are now, to where you want to be. They represent an ‘ideal’ future scenario that everyone in the organisation should be committed to achieve.
Now even though the quality management system of ISO 9001 gives the title for objectives as quality objectives, they do not necessarily have to be relating to quality.
On the contrary, in my humble opinion, I believe they should include elements relating to the most important elements of the business.
This will make it easier to monitor the goals of the company by having a centralised location for all goals in the company. These goals will be the board of that company.
Imagine driving your car without a dashboard. You wouldn’t know the speed you’re driving, the temperature of your engine or whether you have fuel in the car.
Not having this information will invariably make it infinitely hard for you you’re too actually drive a car reliably. for starters you will certainly get tons of speeding tickets, unless you are super cautious, and your car will stop without fuel.
Now as a business leader I am sure that for any of your successful projects you had a dream. You had a vision of what you wanted to achieve and that you had a clear end in my mind of where you wanted to arrive. And that is the power of having clear goals. Moreover, through having clear goals, you will be able to better delegate the world to your employees, by having structured roles & responsibilities as per ISO 9001 standard.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives Examples for a manufacturing company
- Sales:
- Average stock turnover < 3 months
- Physical vs theoretical stock take < 2% by value
- New product development > 5 new products / year
- New product development > €200k between all 5 products revenue
- HR:
- Employee turnover < less than 10% of total FTEs
- Customer feedback:
- Market share > 45% (on branded products)
- Market share > 35% (on non-branded products)
- How likely are you to refer us to friends & family > 9
- Operations
- Out of spec < 5 cases monthly
- Unexpected breakdowns (technical faults) < 5 monthly
- Foreign object/contamination = 0 cases per month
- Stock availability = 0 cases of out of stock per month
- EBIT > 18%
- EBITA > 25%
Manufacturing company – Sales
In the first example we have a manufacturing company. And we have started with objectives relating to the sales. To have an average stock turnover which is less than three months. The physical versus theoretical stock take has to be less than two percent by value. New product development more than five products per year. We have to sell more than 200 000 euros worth of sales between the five different products that we are developing in the next year.
As you can see some of these objectives might not be directly relating to the sales activity. However, we should not get confused about the category in which a specific objective has to go in. But rather we would be much better off if we set the quality objectives in a way that benefits the company and do not get confused on the semantics or technicalities of where the actual objective has to be.
Manufacturing company – HR
Another objective that this company set relating to the human resources. This time it is to have an employee turnover of less than 10 percent of the total full-time employees. So of course, employee turnover is an important metric for any company. And as such it is a fantastic example of a quality objective for ISO 9001 that most companies should adopt.
Manufacturing company – Customer Feedback
There are different ways in which we can track quality objectives when it comes to customer feedback. And two of them are:
- to evaluate the market share
- to ask our clients how likely are they to refer us to friends and family
As you might know this final question refers to the net promoter score. Another element of customer feedback that we can consider is the likelihood or the percentage of sales that is generated by repeat clients. The most important metric when it comes to a happy customer is a repeat purchase. So, the more repeat purchases that we have the more our customers are happy with the service or products that we are providing them with.
Manufacturing company – Operations
In terms of the quality objectives for this manufacturing company and over here we have some goals relating to quality for example out of spec products. We have to have less than five cases monthly unexpected breakdowns which can result from technical faults we have to have five less than five breakdowns monthly. Foreign objects or contamination within the products that we are manufacturing have to be zero cases per month.
There is no tolerance to foreign objects or contamination stock availability that we should not have any cases where we run out of stock every month and then we are considering the profitability in terms of edit and ebita, which have to be 18 and 25 percent respectively.
Manufacturing company – conclusion
So, as you can see from this first case study where we are giving some examples of quality objectives based on iso 9001. the standard will not tell us for example what type of market share we should have because this highly depends on the size of the company the industry that you are working with and various other topics. In this case the company decided to actually consider market share because they have the relevant information that they need and because it is an important metric for them to evaluate the performance of customer feedback.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives Examples for a mobile and tower crane company
- Sales:
- Winning at least 1 important tender
- Rental of 3 or more tower cranes in 2 or more major construction projects
- Maintain an 85% occupancy from tower crane rental
- Maintain an 80% occupancy for mobile crane
- Communicate with client to service their crane at least once every 6 months
- Communicate with client to perform certification on their crane at least once every year
- HR:
- Maintain a 5% employee turnover ratio
- Maintain a 100% certification training records for employees relating to:
- Mobile cranes
- Tower cranes
- Working at heights
- Fork lifts
- Health & Safety
- First aid
- Customer feedback:
- Repeat customers > 90%
- How do you rate the level of our service from 1 to 10 > 8?
- Operations
- Service internal tower cranes a minimum of once every 4 months
- Unscheduled maintenance on leased tower cranes <2% of all tower cranes per day
- Average time to do a general service on cranes – 9 hours
Mobile and tower crane company – Sales
In this case study we are going to consider a company that rents out cranes and tower cranes and once again we are going to start with the sales targets. And this company as decided that they want to win at least one important tender. That they want to have rental of three or more tower cranes in two or more major construction projects because of course this objective will help to cement the position of the particular company as the leading provider of tower cranes. Another objective might be to maintain an 85 percent occupancy from tower crane rental. And an 80 occupancy for mobile crane higher.
As you can see the values of tower cranes and mobile cranes are different so one of them is 85 percent and the other is 80 percent and this goes to show that the standard will not tell you the actual value that you have to reach within your quality objectives. What we have to do with the quality objectives is that we have to find important areas within our company that we want to improve upon and we have to find a respective value a measurable and specific goal or target that we want to reach relating to that topic.
Another example of equality objective is that we have to communicate with clients to service their claims at least once every six months and that we have to communicate with clients to perform certification on their crane at least once every year.
So, these objectives were set by the company depending on how they want to treat their customers. And depending on what they have stated within their quality policy.
Mobile and tower crane company – HR
Once again, we have an objective relating to the employee turnover which in this case it is a five percent employee turnover. And that the company given that the company works within a regulated environment they want to make sure that 100 percent of their staff have the certifications that are needed to do the respective work.
For example, to operate mobile cranes, working at heights, using forklifts health and safety training and first aid training. Another objective is relating to customer feedback and in this case the company has considered repeat customers. Here they are seeking a 90 percent returning customers.
They also took the question of how do you rate the level of our service from one to ten and they want to achieve a rating of more than eight.
Mobile and tower crane company – Operations
In the operational objectives we want to install service internal tower claims a minimum of once every four months. Perform unscheduled maintenance on at least our claims has to be less than two percent of all tower cranes per day and the average time to do general service on cranes has got to be nine hours.
From these operational objectives we can notice that the company given that it’s it is specialized basically in the renting out of equipment one of their most critical elements is to make sure that their equipment is perfectly up and running and so they have set quality objectives to monitor how much of their equipment is in good running conditions. They have also set up objectives on how frequently they have to do maintenance to make sure that the cranes are running at optimal quality. Also given that maintaining a tower crane takes quite a lot of time they have set a goal of nine hours which is the time that it is expected for the company to do a general service on the cranes.
Naturally for the company to be able to monitor this quality objective the have to have a checklist of what they do actually mean by general service. So, it cannot mean one thing for a person and another thing for someone else. So, the first thing that we would have to do in this case would be to define through a checklist the elements of work that have to be done in a general service. This is done so that then we would be in a position to monitor the actual time that it takes for employees to do a general service on cranes.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives Examples for a security services company
- HR:
- To recruit 500 more employees
- To achieve a staff turnover of less than 5%
- To train all employees at least 4 hours per year (upkeep on Health & Safety)
- Customer feedback:
- Market share by industry:
- Banking > 75% (all except BOV and BNF)
- 5-star Hotels > 20%
- Gaming companies > 3 large companies
- Factories > 20%
- How likely are you to refer us to friends & family > 9
- To log 100% of complaints onto CAPA sheet
- To have 0 complaints discovered by invoicing/debt collection
- Market share by industry:
- Operations
- Variance of Actual vs projected hours for cleaning job = 0% difference
- To conduct a 30-minute review meeting once per week including administration to discuss client work/problems
- To have less than 2 vehicle breakdown/unscheduled maintenance per month
- Arriving to clients on time > 95% of the time (late is when we arrive more than 15 minutes later than agreed with the client) – linked to a small bonus to ensure that people get on time
Security services company – HR
Finally, in this post about ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples, we are seeing the example of a security services company. And here the examples relating to the quality objectives that we have found out side with the human resources once again.
This company is extremely ambitious and they want to recruit 500 more employees by the end of the year. They want to achieve a staff turnover of less than five percent and they want to train all their employees at least four hours per year on upkeep as upkeep on health and safety. Once again, I want to point out that the three different companies that we have discussed in this blog do have different objectives relating to the human resources.
So, I want to emphasize once again that the quality objectives that are set up by your company when you are implementing ISO 9001 should not be focused on what the standard is actually asking us to do but rather when it comes to the quality objectives we have to consider what the company needs and what was stated within the quality policy of what defines quality in our organization.
And based on what the company needs and what we have defined within the quality policy we are going to set up the quality objectives accordingly. Another example of quality objectives as per ISO 9001 2015 is the customer
Security services company – Customer Feedback
In this case for example the company wants to have a market share of security services or for example relating to the banking industry they want to have more than 75 percent. They want to have more than twenty percent of five star hotels as their clients. They want three large companies within the gaming industry to be their clients. And they want to have factories as their clients and they want to target more than 20 of all the factories in the country to be their clients.
As you can see these are very ambitious quality objectives that meet their goals of the company because ultimately that is the point of setting up quality objectives. Some more objectives relating to customer feedback is that we are going to ask our clients how likely are they to refer us to friends and family.
Once again we are mentioning the net promoter score over here. And in this case the company wants to reach a target of more than nine.
The company also wants to log 100 of complaints onto a corrective and preventive action sheet okay and finally the company has set up an objective to have zero complaints discovered by invoicing/debt collection.
This is an extremely interesting example which was brought out when we were having discussions during the implementation. The people who were calling their customers to for that collection to collect the money after the job has been done then the clients would use that as an opportunity to complain about the product or service that was delivered by the company. And of course that is not the right time to get feedback from your clients.
So ideally we give our clients an opportunity to speak to us before we actually ask them for the money. So in this case we are setting up an objective that zero complaints have to be discovered by invoicing and that collection and this will be done by implementing a system of gathering feedback from the client before actually doing debt collection.
As you can see in this case the quality objectives are being used to monitor and to solve actual problems that the company has. And they want to target the solutions to the actual problems that they have through the use of quality objectives.
And that is the proper implementation of how we should do quality objectives as per ISO 9001 2015.
Security services company – Operations
Finally some objectives relating to the operations for the security services company. We are going to start by considering the actual versus projected amount of working hours to be less than zero percent.
So we want to make sure that we are actually estimating the amount of hours that are needed for a job in an accurate way. Of course if we over estimate the number of hours that we will need then it is highly likely that our quote will be more expensive than our competitors because we would think that we need more time than we actually need. And when it comes to underestimating that is also a problem because then we would be losing money on a project. So it is for this company it was important to set up an objective where the projected versus the actual hours spent on each particular job has to match exactly and there has to be a zero percent variance.
Next objective was to conduct a 30-minute review meeting once per week including administration to discuss client/work problems.
So this objective links with the objective that I was mentioning before relating to to have zero complaints discovered by invoicing/ debt collection. So what the company did to solve that particular problem was that they decided to have a weekly meeting where the various departments of the company join together and they discuss any problems that they had with the client so whenever someone is doing debt collection they would know what was done for a particular client to handle a problem if there was an actual problem.
In this way and with these two objectives we are ensuring a better customer experience because there is much more commonly shared information about how happy our clients are with our service. Another element that was discussed for the quality objectives in this example was that we have to arrive to clients on time. So in this case we said 95 percent on time and in the objective we have also defined what does late mean. Late is when we arrive more than 15 minutes later than the time agreed with the client and we are going to be linking this objective to a small bonus to ensure that people get there on time of course whenever we want to reach an objective we have to motivate people to actually strive to reach their objective. And in this case since we are dealing with unskilled or semi-skilled workers then we have decided to set up a financial objective linked directly to how much they arrive on time.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples for a service business
And now I am going to give a simple explanation of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples for a service business.
• number of new leads
• market share
• return on investment of lead generation activities
• number of clients vs the number of proposals issued
• the average value of the sale
• total value of sales / clients served
• average man-hours for each project
• timely delivery of projects to clients / number of missed deadlines
• number of training hours per employee
• hours of downtime of equipment used (software/internet etc)
• time sheets for employees
• the likelihood for customers to refer your business to friends/family
• average results of customer satisfaction
• customer retention rate / repeat clients
• number of complaints received
• status of corrective actions and non-conformities
All the above Quality Objectives are simply examples, merely to inspire you on the vastness of such objectives. It is critical that you choose your objectives wisely, and to ensure that all the team is pulling the same rope, and committed to the same results. Having an ISO certification means that business leaders hve taken the time to take a step back and identify what are the most important activities within their business.
SMART Quality Objectives for ISO 9001:2015
Quality objectives must be set in a SMART fashion. Smart is a mnemonic for the five most important factors that an intelligently designed objective would have.
Specific – goals should be specifically relating to a particular area of your business. This means that it is is immediately clear on what each goal is referring to. A goal must easily indicate outcomes do we need to see in order to consider the goal as accomplished.
A goal is only a goal if we can actually measure our current status to be able to compare it with where we want to be. We cannot hide behind the buzzwords like industry leaders or providing an excellent service. We need to attach that idea of of where we wants to get to an actual metric that we can measure. it is also important to keep in mind that we must have the tools to easily gather the data that will enable us to measure each objective.
Goals should be challenging but still reasonable to achieve. it is useless to say that we’d like to get a 100% market share is our current my picture is currently at 1%. Therefore 9001 encourages us to design quality objectives that we believe that we can actually achieve. Moreover, goals should be set up on activities that are within our control.
The quality objectives set must be relevant to the overall goals of the organisation. In other words each objectives defined must be somehow interlinked with the results from the evaluations of Clause 4 of the ISO 9001 standard (context of the organisation). being relevant means that the goals that we set up must be worthy of our time and investment. An additional consideration as regards goals that can be taken from being relevant is to not set up too many goals. We must drive to ensure that we set and amount of goals that can be within our grasp. The larger the team, the more goals can be set.
Time bound
It is not enough to say that one day who wants to increase our market share. We must set time limits. People work hard and smartly to do everything possible to meet deadlines. It is not extremely useful how to set up a goal that it intends to reach with them five years time. It would be far more worthy to have a goal of where you want to be within 1 year’s time. Then each quarter you can review your performance, just like you do for management accounts, to ensure that you are on track.
Conclusions about ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples
That is all I have to say when it comes to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples. I hope that you found the examples in this video to be of interest and that they will help you to achieve your goals when it comes to the implementation or auditing of iso 9001 of any company.
If you have any questions about ISO 9001:2015 Quality Objectives with Examples or anything ISO related, please feel free to get in touch on I would love to help you to succeed in your iso 9001 certification goals.
It’s ѡonderful that you are getting ideas from thіs paгagraⲣh as well as from our discussion made at this time.
That’s great Chris. Thank you for your comment.
Glad that this was of help 🙂