ISO Certification vs ISO Accreditation

ISO Certification vs ISO Accreditation are 2 terms that are somewhat used interchangeably, but that however have 2 very different meanings. So, to explain this difference, let’s start from the foundation of what ISO. What is ISO ISO is the International Organisation for Standardisation and its role within the industry is to create standards covering…

ISO 22000 Certification – Food Safety Management

Certification to ISO 22000 Certification – Food Safety Management, is a major milestone for aspiring companies within the food industry. In a previous post, we have already discussed the various management systems that exist within the ISO family. In this post, we will go deeper into what ISO 22000 Certification – Food Safety Management really…

The first step enterprises must do for ISO Certification

When thinking about getting ISO certified, business owners ponder about the first step enterprises must do for ISO Certification. Granted, suppliers or customers might be asking you to get certified, and you would want to know more about what it really means to get certified. But the whole process might be dauting, and you might…

ISO 15189 – Medical laboratories

Similar to ISO 9001, ISO 15189 Medical laboratories is a Quality Management System. The salient difference is that the latter gives requirements that are specific to medical laboratories. Another standard that is also relevant to medical laboratories is ISO 17025. The main difference between the 2 standards is that: ISO 15189 sets out the guidelines for…

Building Maintenance Report for ISO 27001 Certification

Recently, I have been asked by one of my clients to produce a Building Maintenance Report for ISO 27001 Certification. Given that apart from being an ISO Consultant, I am a Mechanical Engineer I am competent and authorised to created such reports. Through this blog post, I wanted to share with you the salient elements…