ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting Sample

Having an ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting Sample is a very understandable question for anyone doing a Management Review for the first time. The Management Review Meeting could possibly be the primary source for continual improvement.

Given the fact that the Management Review meeting is all about discussing information with the idea or improvement, first of all, I’d like to explain the difference between data and information:

  • Data – raw numbers. For example, a filled in customer feedback form (or 15 of them) – stacked on top of each other.
  • Information – processed data. For example the average score from the above 15 customer feedback forms.
  • Knowledge – the personal experience, intuition and education that a person has, when combined with information can enable that person to extract knowledge – and infer facts about a particular situation.
  • Wisdom – when the knowledge acquired is used in a situation that is beneficial to the person using it – that is wisdom.

In an ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting, top management of the organization will be discussing information, and after combining their personal experience, they would get knowledge. When taking action based on knowledge – one can say that the business is run by management applying wisdom.

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Full sample of a management review meeting agenda and minutes

The DIKIW Method

It is clear from the above, that Data is hardly useful. It is raw, and no processing has been done. At face value, a problem might be bigger or smaller than it is. The information enables us to identify trends.

ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting Sample
Visual Representation for the varies levels of data

The below video provides an example of how data, information, knowledge, and wisdom would play out for an insurance company.

How is this relevant to me?

Most businesses in Malta are SMEs. Business owners tend to have their fingers in every pie that their organization deals with. This results in them having an overview of most activities that are going, and gives them a false sense of security that they are in control over what’s going on within their organization.

No matter the size of the organization, there are always many things going on in an organization, and it is impossible for one person to have a realistic view of what is going in their organization. They would be able to recall some of the details, but not all details in the same level of detail. This is because their opinion is skewed. And this is not their fault. Our subconscious mind is designed in a way that performs selective memory loss, as a coping strategy – not to become overwhelmed with everything that’s going on in their business.

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ISO Frog is a software that is built for everyone. It provides industry-specific templates to help you efficiently prepare for management review meetings. With ISO Frog, you can easily follow the management review meeting format and access ISO 9001 management review meeting minutes samples to ensure comprehensive and compliant documentation.

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Management Review Meeting for ISO 9001

For effective management of an SME, a business owner would therefore be much better off by creating systems that provide a visual representation of the present situation with the company. Ideally, the information of the present is also compared to previous periods, to notice and positive or negative trends as they develop.

The following are the key factors that one must consider in a management review meeting. Not all of the below actions require data management. For those metrics that would benefit from visual management, an appropriate visual aid will be shown within this blog

Managing Improvement Projects

Status of actions from previous management reviews

As explained in ISO for service-driven organizations, a project management tool will surely help any business to monitor its projects. Actions resulting from Management Review Meetings for ISO 9001 are projects that need effective task management. Below is an image of a task, being monitored through Trello, a project management system tool.

Changes in external and internal issues relevant to QMS

Internal and external for ISO 9001 issues were covered in a previous post. In the management review meeting for ISO 9001 we will need to evaluate whether there were any changes that could affect our business.

Nonconformities and corrective actions

Visual Management

These are the metrics of utmost importance for the organization, to the level that ISO has advised us to periodically review them during Management Review Meeting for ISO 9001.

Customer satisfaction

Here we can see that the repeater customers have a better perception of our business. Without context, this doesn’t mean much. But if we take an example of a Company who sell switches, for instance. Repeat customers are contractors who purchase products en-mass, for their clients’ premises. They will not be the end-user.

Here we are seeing that customers who buy Product 2 have the worst rating. Which can be linked to the previous chart, knowing that Product 2 refers to smart switches, that are only purchased by end-users.

Performance of external providers

Quality objectives

Observations through Visual Management

Conclusion on a strategy based on the above information combined with personal experience of the business owner and the ISO 9001 consultant.

  • End users, meaning B2C have a worse perception that B2B clients. Particularly, clients purchased product 2 (smart switches) do not perceive our company as offering good customer satisfaction.
  • All suppliers have a relatively low rating, particularly Product A which relates to premium products. We can also see that in Q3 there was a huge improvement in the performance of suppliers – which means that supplier performance can be improved with internal actions as in end Q2 we had contacted some of the suppliers, CAPA Ref. 123.
  • Now the business objectives are showing a nice picture of the company, however, it could be because none of the goalas relates to profit. If we consider profit too, we might have this situation:
    • The lower mark-up for larger projects (B2B contractors) is generating more profit. These are :
      • Mostly repeat clients – these clients have a good perception of our business
      • Suppliers for these products have a good product/service quality
      • We have exceeded our target for the number of tenders won <> we are good at handling large projects – have a cost-effective solution for large projects

The company might want to focus more on larger projects with subcontractors and tenders, and gradually reduce their focus on B2C clients.

Feedback from relevant interested parties

As part of the implementation process, we must define what the various interested parties require out of our management system. In an earlier post, we have discussed in detail, with examples of requirements of interested parties. Every MRM, we must review the suitability of such requirements.

Audit Results

An internal audit for SMEs following ISO 9001 principles is aimed at identifying the missing links within the processes. During the management review meeting, we will review the observations, finding and non-conformities that were identified during the audit. The aim of this exercise is to actually implement some changes with the aim of improving the management system.

Adequacy of resources

Given that the internal and external issues of the organization might change over time, we must reevaluate whether enough resources are being placed at the right areas.

Effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities

Risks and opportunities are the most important addition to the new, and current version of the ISO 9001:2015. The risks and opportunities change over time, either because we take action to mitigate risks or to seize opportunities. Or because circumstances change, and we must identify new risks and opportunities.

In any case, the standard requires us to review the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities, in the sense that the actions defined as part of the management system should not be simply documented, and left there. Rather, we must ensure that the management system is a live document, that is continually updated, and reviewed as the needs of the organization change.

Opportunities for improvement

Ideas for improvement may come through various sources, including the internal audit, non-conformities and other sources. Having a centralized location for storing such ideas, makes it easy to refer to such a list during the management review meeting, to identify, priorities and implement opportunities for improvement.

Define, plan, and allocate resources on action items for continual improvement defined during this management review meeting

Finally, as with any other project hat is destined for success, whenever an idea for improvement is identified, it must be actioned in a professional manner. Meaning, that it should not just be a side project that someone is working on. Rather, we must define, plan and allocate the resources needed to see all actions for improvement through.

ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting Sample

ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting Sample

Hi, I’m Luke Desira and today I’m going to be talking about ISO 9001 2015 management review meeting sample.

So let’s chunk it down into the three main elements of the statement

  • ISO 9001 2015 – is the latest version of iso 9001 which talks about quality management systems
  • Management review meeting – also known as management review is clause 9.3 within the standard which basically asks us to periodically review the performance of our company to make sure that it is geared towards reaching the strategic objectives of the company
  • The word the word sample – refers to some kind of example that can help us understand what is required from us from the standard

Now the standard specifically describes all the topics that we have to discuss within the management review and this is done in clause 9.3.2 and I’ll be going over that shortly.

Before I wanted to explain that the management review doesn’t need to be in the form of a physical meeting. The important thing is that top management does not need to gather around in a meeting. It can be either done online or through emails as long as there is documented information that the following items are being discussed.

Another requirement is that this type of communication as required within the management review is done on a periodic nature and not less than once per year.

Clause 9.3.2 – ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting sample inputs

Now I’m going to move forward to explain section 9.3.2 within the standard which describes exactly each of the elements that have to be discussed in the management review. Again these sections can be discussed during different meetings they don’t all have to be defined and discussed within the same meeting.

ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting sample 1

So, the first topic that we have to discuss during the management review is the status of actions of previous management reviews. As you might know, ISO 9001 is about continuous improvement and the idea here is that we are continually improving our products services, and efficiency to better reach the requirements of our customers and other stakeholders/interested party.

Now the aim of the management review is to come up with actions that can help us reach such objectives and the first topic within the management review is to discuss actions of previous management reviews. This is done to make sure that there is this level of continuity, where the actions defined in one meeting are reviewed in the next to make sure that they are implemented from one meeting to the next.

ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting sample 2

The second topic that we have to discuss is the internal and external issues that could have an impact on the company. As you might know in clause 6 the standard iso 9001 2015 is talking about risk management. Now risk management can be impacted by internal and external factors that could have an impact on the company. In the management review, we are to review the internal and external factors to make sure that our quality management system is designed to cater to such needs defined within the internal and external issues.

ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting sample 3

The third topic is where we are going to talk about specific objectives and numerical performance relating to our company. The first type of topic that we are going to talk about within the quantitative, which refers to numbers the quantitative performance of our business, is customer feedback.

Quality is about meeting customer expectations and about ensuring customer satisfaction. To make sure that this is happening we are to collect customer feedback to make sure that our customers are happy. During the management review, we are going to discuss the performance of our business as regards customer satisfaction to make sure customers are happy with our products and services.

The second topic that we are going to speak about is quality objectives. Any successful company or person, as a matter of fact, uses objectives as the guide towards which everyone is working to achieve their goals. During the management review, we are going to review our performance relating to the quality objectives to make sure that the objectives are being met and if not we can adjust the quality objectives accordingly or adjust the effort that we are putting into reaching such objectives.

The third element that we’re going to discuss is process performance. Over here we are talking about making sure that the products within our company, and that the processes within our company are reaching the actual desired intent as required by the customers. Also, we are to discuss any non-conforming products within our company.

The fourth element which is one of the most important elements of any successful company is the monitoring of non-conformities and corrective actions. Over here we are seeking to learn to improve from any mistakes that are happening within our company both from ourselves, from our colleagues, or from anyone within the ecosystem of our company which is resulting in non-conformities. As you might know, non-conformities are when a product or a service does not conform with the requirements set for the specific product or service. The best way for us to learn is to review our mistakes and to improve from our mistakes. In this section within the management review, the standard asks us to review our performance relating to non-conformities and corrective actions to make sure that our business is improving accordingly.

Another source of improvement that has to be discussed during the management review is audit results. This relates to both internal and external audit results where suggestions for improvement are brought up from such audits and during the management review, we are going to be discussing these actions to make sure that such actions are implemented.

Finally, the last KPI (key performance indicator) that we’re going to talk about, is the performance of our external providers which is another word for suppliers. As you might know, the standard asks us to define criteria based on which we are going to evaluate our suppliers to make sure that we are happy with their products and services. Using this logic we are going to make sure that we are working with the best suppliers who can offer us the most ideal product or service that we need for our business.

ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting sample 4

The next topic that we have to discuss within the management review is the adequacy of resources. Over here we are looking to make sure that we have the right resources to drive the quality management system in a way that meets the expectations of the customers and other external or internal stakeholders. By resources we mean financial, information technology, people, equipment, monitoring and measuring equipment, software, buildings, and any type of resources that we might need to give the best type of products and services to our clients, and to meet the expectations of all stakeholders.

These resources are required to run, sale procedures, operational procedures, design and development procedures, and purchasing procedures.

ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting sample 5

Next, we are going to talk about the effectiveness of the actions taken to mitigate the risks and to seize the opportunities. Naturally, the idea behind implementing actions to mitigate risks and to seize opportunities is to actually counteract and improve on the actions that we would have defined during the implementation. Now the idea here is to review and hence why it is done in the management review – to review the actions that we have taken for risks and opportunities.

Of course, if the actions that we have taken are not adequate then it is in our best interest to find other actions that would better serve our company.

ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting sample 6

Finally, we are going to talk about any opportunities for improvement that management would have defined over the course of the previous period from the last management review.

Clause 9.3.2 – ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting sample outputs

Now the next section within the standard, which is section 9.3.3 defines, the management review meeting outputs. By outputs, we mean what has to be the conclusion and the deliverable from the management review as per iso 9001 2015.

The first thing that I would like to highlight is that this management review has to be kept as documented information. This means that we have to have some kind of evidence – proof in the written format – which can either be done on paper software emails, etc. as long as it can be easily accessible by the right people at the right time.

So we have to keep documented information regarding the outputs of the management review meeting, and there are three main outputs that we are expecting from the management review.


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Management Review Meeting output: Sample 1

The first output from the management review is the opportunities for improvement. So we are going to identify areas that can be improved within our business, and we have to list these down to make sure that they are implemented accordingly.

Management Review Meeting output: Sample 2

The second topic that we are going to document within this documented information is any needs to change the quality management system both in terms of processes, in terms of scope, in terms of anything relating to the quality management system to better suit the new requirements of our business. In terms of the expectations of our customers and of other stakeholders.

Management Review Meeting output: Sample 3

Finally, we are going to make sure that we have the resources needed for the new management system, and if not we are going to explain what we are going to do to acquire the resources needed to meet the requirements of the management system.

Conclusion on ISO 9001:2015 Management Review Meeting Sample

I hope that this video has shed some light on iso 9001:2015 management review sample, where you can understand that is not as such that you will need an actual sample to help you to do the management review but there is the agenda which is defined in clause 9.3.2 within the standard which specifically describes all the topics that have to be discussed.

And in this video, it was my aim to explain what each element of the agenda actually requires of you as top management of the company to do.

So without further ado, I would like to thank you for your attention and if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch I would love to help. Or else, click here if you’d like to get a quote for ISO 9001 Certification. Submit your information below to get a free sample of an ISO 9001:2015 Management Review meeting minutes:


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